Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sorry to new folk...

Hey folks! If you have joined in the past week or so, and I haven't welcomed you, then Howdy! I am showing more followers on my dashboard than on my page, but for whatever reason I can't see them. I've tried reloading the gadget and everything. I also posted the problem the the blogger masters; waiting for an answer. So, if anyone has any suggestions- I'm open. Y'all have a blessed Sunday.


  1. I have the same problem so don't feel like you are alone.

  2. I am most likely one...I follow blogs anonymously. I would bet this is how there is a difference in the numbers.


  3. Thanks MDR. I've got a request in and if I hear of a solution I'll get back with you.

    Thanks HW. I hadn't thought of that, so here's a big HOWDY. I appreciate the visit. Have a good 'un.

  4. Thanks Hillbilly...I am kind of one that likes to follow, but not make a big thing about it.


  5. I've been having the same problem myself. I just chalked it up to blogger being "blogger" again.

  6. SFChick-Yup. You are so right. I must have done something right though because as soon as I fired up the old blog today, it was all fixed. I guess the squeeky wheel gets the grease, huh? Take care.
