Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Dumb day...

I hate to be the Grinch here, but Valentine's Day has to be the dumbest day ever. I just returned from Wal-Mart and witnessed HUNDREDS of people snatching garbage off the shelf to give to their significant other. Mind you, this is the kind of Made in China crap that will be thrown away in a week. Who knows how many millions of dollars the country gets suckered into spending. Gee, thanks Halmark. That being said...yes, I love my wife dearly; she is what holds me together. I can't imagine going through this life without her. That, my friends, is why I show her my affection all year round. She gets flowers, surprises, and well deserved breaks when she leasts expects them, but probably needs them most. That is how you show love.  Any sap can go crazy today because it's expected of them. The worst are the nice ladies who base their worth on the fact that they get a mess of flowers to show off in front of their friends and co-workers. I may lose a couple followers out of this rant, but sorry, just the way I see it. Y'all have a good 'un.


  1. Excellent point, Hillbilly. That's the secret to a good relationship -- it's what happens between Valentine's Days that's important.

  2. I'm with you. I think most of the 'special days' we have are hyped up by the greeting card companies.

  3. This holiday was created by the greeting card companies. If your wife works outside the home woe be unto you if you fail to send flowers. You will not be allowed in the dog house, you will be sleeping on the ground.....in the snow....naked...alone.

  4. I absolutly loathe Valentines day... mainly because its my birthday and all my Thunder gets stolen by other women whos husbands go nuts buying flowers, and etc..... How can I possibly feel special on my birthday when millions of other women across this country are feeling special as well.. sux!

  5. I totally agree with you, and further more, cut flowers make me sick - I want something in a pot that will grow and keep giving. We have a nice dinner at home with the kids - that's about as much love as I can take at one time:)

  6. You haven't lost this follower. You are dead on when talking about Valentine's purchases. Why waste good money, everything is hiked up on price and the items are not worth what you pay for them. Valentine's in my mind is a year round thing. Love your woman or man by doing things for them every day. Walk the dog, do the dishes, take out the garbage. Make a dinner. That is what a relationship is about, working and loving one another as you go. Not on just one day of the year.

  7. Thanks, y'all. Glad to see I'm not the only one. Go give your spouse some love...
